Meet Supervisor Andersen
The Andersen Family - August 2018
Supervisor Candace Andersen was first elected to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on June 5, 2012 and sworn into office on June 26, 2012 to begin serving her first term as the District 2 Supervisor. On June 7, 2016 she was re-elected to her second term after receiving 98.3% of the votes cast. She has announced her intention to run again in 2020.
Please visit her County website here to learn more about District 2 and Supervisor Andersen’s official duties and responsibilities. Supervisor Andersen also publishes a monthly e-newsletter for constituents to keep them apprised of events, activities, and updates about Contra Costa County and District 2. To read previous editions or to sign up to receive her monthly e-newsletter, please click here.
Previously, Supervisor Andersen was on the Danville Town Council from 2003 through June 25, 2012, serving two terms as Mayor. In her role as County Supervisor, Candace currently sits on the following boards, commissions and committees
Association of Bay Area Government (ABAG)
Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority
Central Contra Costa Transit Authority – County Connection
Contra Costa Centre JPA
Contra Costa County Employee’s Retirement Association (CCCERA)
Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
Contra Costa County Housing Authority
Contra Costa Health Plan Joint Conference Committee
Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Alternate)
Dougherty Valley Oversight Committee
East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDA), Second Vice Chair
East Bay Regional Communications System
Family and Human Services Committee
First Five Children and Families Commission
Local Agency Formation Commission – LAFCO (Alternate)
Mental Health Commission
San Ramon Valley Emergency Preparedness Citizen Corps Council
Southwest Area Transportation Committee
Street Smarts
Transportation, Water and Infrastructure
Tri-Valley Transportation Council
Supervisor Andersen also served on the Morgan Hill City Council in the early 1990’s. She is an attorney licensed to practice law in California and Hawaii. She began her legal career as a Prosecuting Attorney in her hometown of Honolulu and worked as a civil practitioner with a law firm in Morgan Hill. Candace put her legal career on hold to serve the community and raise her family.
Supervisor Andersen received both her B.A. in Public Policy (1982) and Juris Doctorate (1985) from Brigham Young University. She attended Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii from K-12.
Along with her responsibilities on the Board of Supervisors, Candace remains an active volunteer in her community and church. She and her husband, attorney Philip M. Andersen, have been married for 35 years and are the parents of six children ranging in age from 21 to 34. They also have four daughters-in-law and a son-in-law, two grandsons, and four granddaughters.
Email Supervisor Andersen at:
Tel. 925-238-VOTE (8683)